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Telling Tales and Whispering Secrets 

A bit of speculative fiction alongside the current human condition



A daily blog of Short Stories - Essay - Writer's Musings

Vacation in Coupe | Lets Go


I'm a pretty deliberate person, so to let-it-go like that… you know. Have you ever really just let go for a bit?

A side story with Chere's character, Persephone.
You'll soon see more of her in the short story: 
Inner Journey, Alchemy and Magicks.


When champagne meets customs and rollercoasters



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Planes | Proportions

What magic did you believe in as a child?  

A side story with Chere's character, Persephone.
You'll soon see more of her in the short story: 
Inner Journey, Alchemy and Magicks.


Persephone's 5 years old and she absolutely believes in magicks.

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Soda Pop Boys | Case of the Missing China

The Soda Pop Boys 

Preston, Hal and Ronnie

Middle Grade Fiction
Photospiration Piece


When expensive china goes missing, the Soda Pop Boys are on the case. When a creature gets in their way, they engage magicks...[archived] 


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Perspective | Point of View


Don't we all have inspiring moments with wee ones? Do tell.

A side story with Chere's character, Persephone.
You'll soon see more of her in the short story: 
Inner Journey, Alchemy and Magicks.


Persephone, in grad school, lightens up as a children inspire the vibe.



*Play so important in adulthood. Studies show that children laugh 300-400 times a day. Adults laugh 17.5 times a day.



To share in the journey, visit Chere's author page on Patreon: Chere is creating fiction on Patreon 

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The Edges | Possibility Reigns

The Lady Elizabeth, In the Middle Series
Pastel Drawing
Chere Hughes


Do you have a favorite? To begin, experience the middle or end? 


Lit Fiction


Beginnings are mostly exciting. Navigating the middle and end, is an intentional way of being.




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Fire of Conception | Time of Day


Are you a night owl or early bird or do you groove any time with ease and flow?

Lit Fiction


Preferences in time and also, arbitrary is time.


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