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Telling Tales and Whispering Secrets 

A bit of speculative fiction alongside the current human condition



A daily blog of Short Stories - Essay - Writer's Musings

The Flip Side | The Ever Transforming Mash-Up


Do your days tend to expand and contract?


A side story with Chere's character, Persephone.
You'll soon see more of her in the short story: 
Inner Journey, Alchemy and Magicks.


Persephone's day begins with with pain. Perspective seeps into the gritty shadows. The sun emerges... [archived] 

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Come take my hand

Middle grade micro prose girls in metaphor Inspired by The Beach Boys, Barbara Ann

There's Peggy Sue, Betty Lou and of course Barbara Ann, all in authenticity..[archived]

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Quantum Realms | Corporeal


Dense energy, crowds and teleportation.


A side story with Chere's character, Persephone.
You'll soon see more of her in the short story: 
Inner Journey, Alchemy and Magicks.



Persephone attends a sun return celebration. With everything you'd expect from a birthday party along with mage magicks. In lieu of the big bash, Perce prefers to commune with another that's not so available...[archived]

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As Above | So Below



The world below us. The world us. The world above us.


A side story with Chere's character, Persephone.
You'll soon see more of her in the short story:

Inner Journey, Alchemy and Magicks.


Persephone chooses aware. She spies and interesting man doing his thing. Her subconscious tickles her consciousness. Being present....[archived]



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Star Profiles | Earthbound


Star Profiles | Earthbound

Unique Souls Series


With patient eyes, she gathers her countenance conserving that influence expressing sensuality instead.


Upon first glance, it is obvious she is to be respected.


Having accomplished most of what she puts her mind to; her secret, discipline within.



Last evening, she dreamed of a space where everyone just Do's and Be's…



Still in the feels of the night's dream, she allows space for her beliefs to transform as new information surfaces. Curiously she learns what is new and interesting.


The impetus to engage creating this new reality is immediate. She's courageous not concerned with other's stuff. A feeling of wanting to get there first arises…



Her warrior passion comes alive. She's moving.



Moving sovereign. She rules her corporeal existence creating what it looks like. Read More 

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When Dense Woods Meet Curious Spirited Minds


Middle Grade Fantasy short fiction 



A legend in the town that frightens adults is in the care of a group of young girls. The protectors of the secret, these strong curious girls commune with what's considered dangerous magicks.




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Bellowing | Not Singing


Karaoke. When you're sure you can rock it.


A side story with Chere's character, Persephone.
You'll soon see more of her in the short story:
Inner Journey, Alchemy and Magicks.


Persephone loves living just up from Pikes Place Market. Walking the downtown streets to her destination, he calls her cell. He's just sure of something, so he demonstrates his skill... [archived]


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The Cosmic Santa Clause is Coming to Town



Dreaming of her Jupiter return coming up next year, she expresses a light and delightful squee! Remembering herself, she quickly stops looking around the snow covered park. No wide eyed responses so she giggles shrugs and continues on her way. The adventure's energy is beginning to rise as tomorrow is the day that the great benefic journeys into Capricorn.


A slight skip in her step, she considers the happy planet and just how much this powerful energy loves for everything to go well, her highest good in mind. She feels supported.


Hands clasped behind her back, open. Her favorite well-worn old wooden bench comes into view. Pleased that no one else ever really bothers to sit there, she makes her way toward the overgrown area of the park. Giving it a salutation along with a bit of gratitude, she takes a quiet seat for everything around her dims a bit when in contact with the rough splintered wood. Clarity rises so she takes advantage.


Closing her eyes, she senses the residue of those that have been here before her. Calm energies from foretime reside. She pays homage acknowledging their place here in linear time as well as their current existence in the non-linear matrix. She asks for wisdom.


"You've been working hard. Your well discerned actions upon your responsible and respectable intentions are being supported girl." An elderly voice of wisdom sounds.


A clear calm voice of gentility begins, "Great progress is yours. You have the opportunity to achieve your dreams, be seen and be acknowledged, as you so kindly connect with us right here."


She considers with nods of gratitude. Indeed, goals are within the Capricorn domain are quite comfortable for her to establish with focus and integrity. As they tend to be in the realms of her career along with some personal motivations, she's ready for a bit of a lift. Smiling to herself, she feels optimistic about the upcoming adventure.


"Nice, slow and steady." She muses to herself though she knows the bench can hear as well.


Standing taking steps toward the cemetery gates next to the park, a sense of confidence arose as she's feeling good about the way of things. Crossing the looming dark iron gate, it creaks a bit. Noticing there were no winds about, she intuited that opportunities will arise if she wishes to pass through them.


Still in the space of awareness, she felt the impetus to experience a bit more. Walking along the gravel road gravestones on both sides, she considers structure and order to be her guide toward what is next.


Jupiter transits Capricorn, 2020 



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Feel all the Feels | Transience

Do you feel all the feels?


Are there some that you tend to embrace madly or stay away from like they're the plague?


Do you have specific emotional arenas you tend to spend time in?



This flash fiction piece explores the manifestation of feels...[archived]

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Energy | In forms

Literary prose


Just where does your energy come from? inspires this piece.


"Twas a ritual of sorts as it occurred each morning without fail..."

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